Saturday, August 3, 2013


 I run in to rough weather every once in a while ; and every time my mood turns a darker shade of blue, I plunge in to my trusted feel happy list and emerge smiling.The list below guarantees a "happy,smiling me" always and defenitely more when I am down and out  ---
  • Play with the kids 
  • Pick up a good book
  • Don the apron and bake
  • Call up friends whom I have not spoken to in a while
  • Get up and dance
  • Grab the remote and do some mindless surfing
  • Watch a movie -----
So, this morning I woke up feeling all good and happy but not for long ! The gloom eyed monster caught me unawares and I tumbled in to self-loathing and self pity. It was then I remembered putting a reminder for watching a movie called Brave. Armed with a huge bowl of puffed rice I settled to watching this animated fantasy flick. And boy am I glad that I watched the film.Totally loved it - Princess Merida thrilled me with her vivacity and verve. Her stormy relationship with her mother rings a bell and brought back many a nostalgic moments. The fiery carrot haired lass inspired me with her strong willed determination, sensitivity,dare-devil attitude among many other things. Did I also say that movie packs quite an interesting action packed drama.The movie has etched itself in to my heart with its maturity and depth besides the vibrant humour and many an aahhhh moments . The end result ~ I perked up visibly - Life is beautiful after all !


The lines that has stayed with me after watching the movie

Our fate lives within us----- you only need to be brave enought to see it

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