Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Get Better 2013

I make resolutions often and many a times end up breaking them at the same pace too; and still I get back to making them.  My logic is - a) we need to constantly push ourselves into becoming better and remaining happy. Our happiness in turn will spread more cheer all around ;
b) What is the fun if we stick to our resolutions  diligently ? The parameters of what makes us better and keep us happy gets changing regularly and as a result the resolutions too may need a change. And I don't call them resolutions, rather I give it a name of get better list. My list  is more like a stick-on notes on the fridge reminding me daily of what I want to become. And they are not made on a New Year's eve either ! Rather, my resolutions come on a whim and etch themselves firmly in my mind and yes underneath the fridge magnet too. Last year around the month of march , I had penned my resolutions as a five-point something and ended up actually getting around 2 point something. This year, my get better list was mentally drafted way back in November. When I saw Sra's & Aparna's The Fifty - 2 Weeks of 2013 Project , I knew that the motivation to better myself has a new thrust and impetus.

My list has many more things like learn a new language; enroll in a dance class, voluntary services to the less fortunate etc but a few that needs my immediate attention is :-

a) Cultivating patience :-  I am a zero patience girl. It is not something I am proud of. Yes, this is a major something that I have been planning to work on but never really got around. Wish patience grew on trees and all I had to do was just reach out. Sadly it is not so, and hence would work on that.

b) Overcoming the fear of driving :- I have to tell you all that I have a driver's license and I drive . Occassionally  Once in a blue moon. My fear of taking the driver's seat has its deep rooted cause in a major accident a few years ago. But we don't stop walking just because we stumble & fall right ?

c) Read more & Write more :- I once prided on the fact of being a voracious reader. These days, the book though is a constant companion does not get the same attention it truly deserves. 

d) Less of Online Time :- Sitting before the computer for hours together is a luxury what with perennial power cuts and 2 hyper kids. Still, the number of minutes the eyeballs are firmly stuck on the computer screen is a lot and I would love to decrease the same considerably. This in turn would help my point no 3 as well as bring more quality time with my kids.

Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right. (
Oprah Winfrey)


  1. May you achieve all your goals for yourself, Priya!
    I can't drive despite learning it thrice and knowing all the about it theoretically. But I feel, one should know how to drive. Since you know it, it's all about practice. Go for it, girl!
    Read and write more is my aim too!
    All the very best! :)

  2. Welcome to the project, glad it added fuel to your intentions!

  3. Wishing you success in the goals you've set for yourself. :)

  4. Hey how come our resolutions are almost identical? Hmmm I think you copied mine...(very much possible since you wrote them FIRST !!!) jokes apart..wishing you a very happy new year and a lot of luck to stick to the resolutions..

    1. hey gauri - I was planning to buzz you on gmail and enquire your wellness. Haven't seen you around for a long time. Wassup, hope u r well.Wishing u a fab 2013
